Mediation, the easier, softer way?

Mediation, the easier, softer way?

Is mediation the easier, softer way of reaching a mutually acceptable financial settlement for your divorce? Is mediation the easier softer way of developing a co-parenting plan after you separate that ensures that the needs of your children are placed at the centre...
Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut?

Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut?

Fairness after Divorce. Financial support – yes or no? Separating is one thing. Financially separating is quite another. One of the questions you will both need to look at during your discussions when divorcing is whether you can be independent of each other...
(Goodness Gracious), Great Balls of Fire!

(Goodness Gracious), Great Balls of Fire!

Great balls of fire. That is what a large number of people involved in a separation would like to see thrown at their ex partners. Anger verging on hatred is a pretty normal human emotion when we feel betrayed or abandoned. As we’ve all seen from American films with...